Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.....
You would think that I would use this phrase to describe my first born, but I feel that it is more fitting in describing our newest addition, bless her heart.
I had such high hopes almost 2 months ago when I posted that the "curse" was over, but alas it is not. This little pain in the neck just moves from one annoying stage to another (before I go any further I want all to know I am crazy about her!)
Here is our last (almost) 5 months in a nutshell:
October: So in love with my sweet little baby. I had heard that most mothers get to hold their babies only moments after giving birth, but had yet to enjoy this, until now. Took her home 24 hours later and felt on top of the world. For one week....
November: First doctors appointment I tell the doctor she cries an awful lot for a newborn. I am told it's no big deal. She'll get over it. Well she didn't
December: She hasn't stopped for two full months. I'm pretty angry that she is choosing to ruin a perfectly good situation with her bad attitude. She is the most unpleasant baby EVER.
January: Same story. Still crying. I'm debating abandoning this whole mom thing until this all blows over. I change my mind cause I know I'll eventually return and don't want to face all the people who know I went crazy.I have my pride you know
February: She miraculously stops one day. She actually naps during the day and sleeps most of the night. I'm sure glad I stuck around a little longer....I start to like her.
Then out of nowhere she starts to wake up anywhere from 3-8 times a night. What the??? I decided this is what Hell is like. Babies crying all night long. They wake you up the second you doze off with their shrieky little
I then hear that this is called the "post colic" phase. When I heard this I screamed "THERE'S ANOTHER PHASE?!?". Well I'm here to tell you there is. And it could be the most unpleasant of them all. After letting her cry for hours on end, night after night....
She decides she hates nursing. I love to nurse. I nursed Brooklyn for a year and had it not been for the 5 razor sharp teeth that she grew in the same day, Iwould probably have continued for much longer. It is the only thing I am good at and darnit, it makes me feel like a good mom! And out of nowhere that little devil decided it was evil and would scream at my attempts....
Then I find out why she hates it. She is starving. So I cry. Stay up at night thinking how I starved my baby night after night. How stupid doyou have to be to not know??
In addition I admit that my fear of formula is not rational. It is not normal. But I'm convinced it is nothing but powdered poison. Powdered poison I have been forced to give my little baby cause my body is a wreck and can't feed her anymore.
March: My new best friend is a $300 breast pump. I hate cleaning bottles, I hate hooking myself up like a cow getting milked every 3-4 hours. I am fearful one of these days I will forget the lock the front door and someone will walk in on me. But it makes me feel better to be giving her something. I know it won't last much longer. But for now I'm still pluggin along....
She still wakes up a few times a night (sniff sniff)
But she is an absolute JOY during the day. She smiles at anyone and anything. No longer screams when it is nap time.She is so in love with me and I with her. I'm pretty sure that behind every smile she gives me, she is thanking me for not causing her bodily injury during her first months of life
(her first day with piggies. Love them!)
Glad I hung in there Lou. You just might actually get a little brother or sister someday!
Ok, don't count on it.
1 week ago
I'm glad things are a little better. Hopefully they just keep getting better. She is so darn cute! I love the pics of them in their matching dresses:) I deleated my other post that said I really wanted to read this one but couldn't because of the black on black-but I figured it out! I am so glad it is getting better! With such a cute face it's hard not to love her!! How's the baby wrap go?
I am so nervous for this baby to be born! :)
Melissa - I don't think that I enjoy anybody's blog as much as I enjoy yours. I wish I would have known, I have a perfectly great pump in my closet that I don't plan on ever using again. And as much as I would love to nurse 100%, I can't. I don't function right either, and after very fussy baby #3, I started giving Paxton a bottle of formula before bed when he was only a few weeks old and was behaving much like his older brother. It made him a little more bearable. And he is almost a year now, and just the other day, I told my mom, "he has actually been happy now for two days without me having to hold him all the time." He got over his colic phase and then he just wanted to be held and spoiled. He'd scream and cry if I was anywhere near him and not holding him. So he screamed and cried a lot, I guess I'm not one that can sit and hold a crying baby for very long. Maybe I'm a mean mom. So for many days I was sneaking from room to room so he wouldn't get a glimpse of me and start his two hour tantrum. But I don't think my boys were as fussy as your little one is. Hang in there. :)
Hey Dude, your posts make me giggle! Poor little Lou! So did we decide she is still considered colicky or was she just hungry? I'm so very anxious for DL, aren't you? I sure wish you guys would have driven with us, it's gonna be loads of fun!! Plus I found tickets to The Lion King in Vegas and we could have ditched the hubbies and babies and taken the older kids. You totally blew it:) But I'm still excited. I think we may leave Sat now since it is conference.
K-that is hilarious! I am sure you aren't laughing after going through all of that but I think you are amazing and you have two very beautiful little girls!! You and Jonny are awesome!!!
I LOVED this post and I will tell you why....I can SOOOO relate!!!! I am yet to have an easy peasy baby, but can I tell you Lexi was the baby from HELL!!! (I can say that because now she is the best most darling girl ever!!) But seriously, she scrame NON STOP for 4 months, and I cried right along with her! No one can know what that is like unless they have been through it. I have started to despise people who have those miracle babies that just sleep hours on end and giggle. Gretta is a doll, but she scrame the first 3 months every night for 4-5 hours...bad but NOTHING like Lexi! Hang in there, because honestly, Lex has so made up for it...I hear hard babies make great toddlers :)
Also, totally relate to the formula thing...I bust my butt to nurse (stink at it...produce like crap), but I too feel like formula is powdered poison (even though its not). I was actually going to do a post about my crazy thinking. ha!
Love your writing and LOVE the honesty!
Okay and my camera is a Nikon D40x
lens 18-135 mm. Let me know what you get!
K SOrry that I am leaving a novel on your blog, but I just read more of your posts, and I am dying! Leah might just be the only baby I have ever heard of that can give my Lexi stories a run for the money! I could hug you right now for what you have just gone through!! Seriously, there is NOthing worse!! I remember the first night (FIRST night) in the hospital Lex was screaming and we kept begging the nurses to take her to the nursery and they kept sending her back. ha! They didn't even know what to do, and NOBODY in my family wanted anything to do with her, so we never got a break. We use to drive around with her screaming with the radio turned in between stations (white noise) as loud as it could go to try to put her to sleep. I could go on and on, but I won't...Just know that I'm hugging you! Good job making it through!
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