I have put off doing my tag for a while now, but since I got the same tag twice, I suppose I will play along. I am sure you are on the edge of your seats dying to know eight MORE things about me! Here goes.....
Rules:1. Each player starts with 8 random habits/facts about themselves.2. People who are tagged need to write a post on their blog about their eight things and post these rules.3. At the end of the post you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.
1. I am a very sleepy person. Jonny says I am a three year old trapped in an adult body. I rarely go a day without a nap and if I do I'm not happy about it. When camping, visiting family or friends, you can bet I'm the first one to call it a night.
2. I get sooooo car sick I don't even like going to Wal-Mart if I'm not driving. Reading in a car is out of the question along with turning around to give Brooklyn a sippy, or to pick up a toy she dropped. Those things alone can make me queasy for the next twenty minutes! Unfortunately for Jonny, on vacation he loves to drive all over the place sightseeing and exploring. My upset stomach puts an end to that fun real quick.
3.I love cereal. I eat it for Breakfast, lunch, and as a side with dinner. Though I love sweets, I don't like sweet cereal.
4. I Have yet to find "my thing". I have played most sports and still end up hiding in the back or sitting on the bench. I've attempted to sew countless blankets and skirts, but I end up swearing during most of it and it ends up crooked or un-usable. I have scrapbooked, made dozens of bows, and will hide both of these is anyone asks to look at them. I hate school and pass by the skin of my teeth. I've taken piano for years and can barely stumble through a song.(wow, I'm gonna need some help with my self-esteem when this is done!) Lucky for me though, I'm an under-achiever and like mentioned above, I'm much too sleepy to care!
5. I'm a neat freak. The only thing I don't underachieve at is keeping my house clean. I can't go to bed with a messy kitchen and I vacuum even it's clean just because I like the lines it makes in the carpet. I may be rubbing off on Brooklyn because she freaks if she makes a mess on the floor or her hands are messy or sticky.
6. It's no surprise, but I love staying home with my little girl. Though there are times I get a little bored and things get mundane, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I spend half the day thinking, "who gets to do this?" Especially when I get to nap with her, rock her, read her books, buy hamburgers and chicken nuggets and have picnic with just me and her at the park. It's awesome.
7. I still have the same best friends that I met in the 7th grade. Now who can say that! We still love to get together with all our husbands (those of us that are married) and it feels like old times. Too much like old times because our poor husbands can't get a word in and we laugh non-stop.
8. I'm too sleepy to think up an eight one. Any of my good buddies want to think up one for me?
I tag whoever wants to do it. I'm not even sure I have eight people to tag!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I Hate Tags!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hip Hip--Hippo Therapy!
It's a dumb name I know but Hippo therapy is a real thing and we have finally got our scaredy cat of a daughter to try it. You can Google Hippo therapy and find out tons on it, but I'll give you the shortened version of our new found hobby/therapy. Hippo therapy is basically riding a horse. "They" claim that horses walk very similar to humans, so if you put a child on a horse (there are all sorts of ways you have to do it), but if the child has mobility or strength issues, riding the horse will do wonders for them and actually give them the feeling that they are walking and strengthen all sorts of muscles. They also use this therapy for children with emotional or mental problems and it is supposed to calm them and help them in numerous other ways mentally and socially. Pretty cool right?
Brooklyn puttin' on a brave face, but really wanting to scream her head off. She's pretty good if you make is seem like she's not on a horse at all. Having her sandwiched between four cousins really helps! I just love the fat little tummy poking out of her shirt. She had eaten about four smores by this point.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Normal At Last......
well as normal as things are around our house! For once I haven't had a list of things to post which in my eyes is a good thing. Things have definitely slowed down finally and we have been really enjoying the last half of summer. Brooklyn and I have fallen into a routine of going on a bike ride, then to the park for free lunch, then taking naps (including me), and usually followed by swimming at someones house and playing with cousins. Don't you love summer?
I dare say that I have never seen Brooklyn so happy. Don't get me wrong, the 'terrible twos' is a title that she rightfully deserves by the growing number of tantrums that just started surfacing a couple times a day! But never have I seen her able to explore and entertain herself. She has finally reached a level of independence that is a miracle to me. Somehow over night she has become my little helper and quite the jabber jaws. I laugh at her every day! I guess this all came as a surprise because I was sure that once she got those casts off it would take time for her to get strength in her legs back, but the opposite happened. She gained so much muscle from lugging those things around that she crawls better than ever and even stands (with her walker) occasionally. We videoed her standing for the first time which I'll try to post soon.
With weeks as fun as these it makes me wonder what we'll do to entertain ourselves come winter!
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