Friday, January 16, 2009

Things I've Never Had to Say......

So having a child as unique as Brooklyn, there are many things that I don't have to worry about her doing. By the time she crawled she was almost two, so I never had to worry about her falling down the stairs, because Brooklyn was old enough to know to avoid them. I never find toys scattered all around the house because Brooklyn can only take whatever she can carry in her mouth (it is so cute. she looks like a puppy! ) or fit in her baby stroller that she pushes all around the house loaded with her favorite toys. I can count the messes she has made, and to be honest I almost go into shock when I watch other peoples kids. I find toys in my toilet, under my bed, and fingerprints everywhere! MY sweet little Brooklyn does NOT do those things........yet.

Along with all these 'wonderful' experiences I have yet to have with my own toddler, there are many phrases that just don't exist around our house. Examples:

Get out of the street!

Don't go in there!

Don't jump on the bed, couch, etc.

Take your shoes off

What did you step in?!?

Stop running around!!!

But there is one phrase I was happy to say this week..........

Brooklyn! Get off the table!

I found Brooklyn on the table and in a state of shock asked Jonny why on earth he put Brooklyn on our coffee table. Well he didn't put her there, and I didn't put her there, yet it took us about 15 seconds to figure out that she crawled up there! Yay! I wanted to get mad, but I, laughed, congratulated her, and took a picture, then got her off which resulted in a full-fledged tantrum. I watched her crawl up on the table several more times that day and had to suppress a laugh every time.


Harris said...

She is seriously the cutest thing ever!!! I love her cute little smile. Isn't it funny when you want to be mad but you just can't quite find it. I would be excited too!! You are such a good mom.

Amber Hooten said...

Enjoy those moments! I feel like I take for granted those times. Instead I am usually upset at something my kiddos do! I bet she was so proud of herself from the look on her face! Yeah Brooklyn!!!

The Crook Family said...

Unhappy pictures are pretty fun! I can't believe how big Brooklyn is getting. She is a doll!

Jared and Erin said...

She's so cute. I love reading your stories. I must admit, most peoples' blogs I glance at and that is about it. But yours I always read and always smile about what you have written.

Denelle said...

I always wondered how you could keep your house so nice and clean! I guess I am just plain retarted. I love Brooklyn's smile in your family picture. It reminds me of Josh. He makes the same look when we tell him to smile.:) Way cute blog.

Just Us said...

This gave me goosebumps!! Little steps make for huge milestones!! Congrats to Brooklyn!!

Mark and Sherri said...

Jonny and Melissa,
She is just adorable and what a sweet little girl. I am glad to hear that she is doing so well. We love you tons and know that you are great parents...after all, Melissa, you were my kids favorite babysitter! What a blessing to have little Brooklyn to love!

Nelson said...

HELLO! I found your blog because it was on somebodys that is doing the freezer meal group.I have lost your email address too. What a cute blog. Mine is boring.

Jordan, Lisa and Hallie said...

Hey Melissa! It has been forever since I have had a chance to spend much time in the blogging world. It was so fun to see all that you guys (and Brooklyn) have been up to. Brooklyn is very cute and it sounds like she is doing so great. :)

Kayla said...

Hi Melissa, this is Kayla from CT days. I saw your blog on Lisa's. Your little girl is such a cutie!